Rotary Club The Hague Metropolitan is holding a fund raising to support the development of a Childcare’s Wing at the Cancer Care Centre in Tiruppur, India.
The cancer care centre will benefit the underprivileged rural community of Tiruppur District and neighbouring Erodew, Nilgiri and Coimbatore District.
This will enable communities there who cannot afford health care to receive treatment. Tiruppur is a southern city in the state of Tami Nadu, The Cancer Care Centre will be built in the premises of the government hospital. Rotary Diststrict 3203 and 84 clubs in the district lead by Club Anandam will oversee the project. The funds raised will be tripled by the state government in India.
You are warmly invited to our Charity Dinner on the 3rd of June in aid of a Children’s Wing at the Cancer Care Centre in Tiruppur, India. You can join us by visiting Eventbrite’s purchase link:
If you cannot attend, but would like to donate, please do so at IBAN: NL94 ABNA 0580 8073 20, mentioning your name and “Gala Dinner – Cancer Care Centre” in the payment description.
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