Seeds of Hope

Seeds of Hope

RCTHM is excited to support the “Seeds of Hope” programme based around the Corrymeela Reconciliation Centre in Northern Ireland.  A year-long pilot has selected a group of young leaders in their communities who have a wish to move beyond a violent past and renew civil society. Participants are supported in learning/reflection sessions and with mentoring to…

Generation Healthwise

Generation Healthwise

The Generation HealthWise project is a preventive healthcare program in Suriname about the importance of healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle, focused to raise awareness among children at risk of health disadvantages. The program aims to educate children, parents and communities in an accessible and interactive way to empower them to make healthy choices and…

Seeds of Hope

Seeds of Hope

RCTHM is excited to support the “Seeds of Hope” programme based around the Corrymeela Reconciliation Centre in Northern Ireland.  A year-long pilot has selected a group of young leaders in their communities who have a wish to move beyond a violent past and renew civil society. Participants are supported in learning/reflection sessions and with mentoring to…

Gala Dinner – 3rd of June Cancer Care Centre
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Gala Dinner – 3rd of June Cancer Care Centre

You are warmly invited to our Charity Dinner on the 3rd of June in aid of a Children’s Wing at the Cancer Care Centre in Tiruppur, India. Rotary Club The Hague Metropolitan is holding a fund raising to support the development of a Childcare’s Wing at the Cancer Care Centre in Tiruppur, India. The cancer…

Rotary Peace Fellowships 
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Rotary Peace Fellowships 

Each year, Rotary awards fully funded fellowships for peacebuilders from diverse backgrounds to study at one of our peace centers located at premier universities around the world. This year, we’ll select 50 peace fellows to study in our master’s degree programs and 40 fellows to earn a professional development certificate.  Our more than 1,600 program…

International project
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International project

Every year the International Project team raises a substantial amount of funds towards a chosen charity which needs support. This year we are raising funds for a Cancer Care Centre in Tirippur, India. If you wish to help us please contact Dr. Ajay Sharma via You can support the project using the following link: